Wednesday, January 23, 2013

White-breasted Nuthatch

Like other nuthatches, the White-breasted Nuthatch forages for insects on trunks and branches, and is able to move head-first down trees. Seeds form a substantial part of its winter diet, as do acorns and hickory nuts that were stored by the bird in the fall. The nest is in a hole in a tree, and the breeding pair may smear insects around the entrance as a deterrent to squirrels. Adults and young may be killed by hawks, owls and snakes, and forest clearance may lead to local habitat loss, but this is a common species with no major conservation concerns over most of its range. ~

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mockingbird in snow

Another Southeastern Songbird. The Mockingbird was enjoying this suet also. Yes that is snow on its tail.

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brown Thrasher and snow

Thursday snow left me with out Internet or cable connection so I spent most of the day taking pictures of the birds This picture is before the snow started sticking we ended up with about 3 inches it was very pretty.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

snow day

The Cardinals foretold today's weather yesterday when they were all down on the ground digging for grubs this was an unusual event. They spent most of the day yesterday on the ground instead of eating the seeds. All the birds ate at the suet most of the day yesterday too, so I'm putting out a new cake of suet today because I went through the last one so fast.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


bacon by Southernpixel - Alby Headrick
bacon, a photo by Southernpixel - Alby Headrick on Flickr.

The definition of Spam is: email that you have not asked to receive, and the definition of bacon is: the newsletters and store ads and everything that you receive from the different websites that you actually signed up for. I have noticed over the last few years that I'm not receiving as much spam as I use too. But I am receiving a ton of bacon with all those newsletters daily ads from retailers, deals of the day, groupons and other local and nationwide advertising bombarding you every day with emails. Just the amount of newsletters alone would take up my entire day. The store ads would drain my bank account.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I survived the 2012-13 plague

Plague by Southernpixel - Alby Headrick
Plague, a photo by Southernpixel - Alby Headrick on Flickr.

The last 10 days are a blur to me, I remember canceling the New Year's Day feast, I remember not caring that the ball or moon pie (a southern thing) dropped. Not eating much, coughing so much that I could cry. It hurt to stand, lie down or sit. My fever didn't get as high as most of the family. But it was still one of the worst starts of the New Year ever. Now for the bright spots. I think mine was not as bad as some was because I did have a flu shot and calling my doctor early and him prescribing a Z -pack and Tessalon Perle cough suppressants .